6 Lei In Euro

The currency code for lei is ron and the currency symbol is lei.
6 lei in euro. The romainian leu is divided into 100 bani. Leul românesc este cunoscut și ca leu leu nou şi leu greu. Romania joined the european union on 1 january 2007 and it is expected to adopt the euro in the future. Curs bnr 12 octombrie 2020 1 eur 4 8718.
Euro este împărţit în 100 cents. In 2005 romania underwent a currency reform switching from the previous leu rol to a new leu ron. The exchange rate for the euro was last updated on october 26 2020 from the international monetary fund. Ron romanian leu country romania region europe sub unit 1 leu 100 bani symbol leu.
Appreciated 1 52 in the last 30 days. ο συντελεστής μετατροπής eur έχει 6 σημαντικά ψηφία. 1 euro 4 88 lei românești. Cursul de schimb pentru euro a fost actualizat la 27 2020 octombrie de la fondul monetar internaţional.
The eur conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The euro is divided into 100 cents. η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για το leu ρουμανίας ενημερώθηκε τελευταία φορά στις 27 οκτωβρίου 2020 από οικονομική υπηρεσία yahoo. The euro is the currency of the eurozone.
Appreciated 6 54 in the last year. 1 ron is equal to 10 000 rol. The exchange rate for the romainian leu was last updated on october 27 2020 from yahoo finance. Simbolul pentru ron poate fi scris l.
More romanian leu info. Calculator de schimb valutar din euro în leul românesc. Leul românesc este împărţit în 100 bani. In 2016 the eurozone received a total of 105 754 118 351 usd in remittances.
Our currency rankings show that the most popular romania leu exchange rate is the ron to eur rate. Simbolul pentru eur poate fi scris.